Good for you…you’ve followed business sales best practices and established a sound relationship with a contact at a target company.
But will this contact ensure the sale?
Is your contact too far from the decision making level to have the influence you need?
Are there other opportunities that you have not yet uncovered because you have only one relationship there?
The best way to avoid the risk of alienating your one contact by going around them is to plan ahead so you don’t box yourself into a corner. Here are some useful tactics so that you do not waste your sales skills and new relationship:
1. Plan ahead… know the names of all the key players and try to reach the highest level person first. Even if you don’t get through, you can refer to his/her name as you move to the next level.
2. Find a friend on the inside. If you can identify someone who recognizes the value you bring, that someone can sponsor introductions elsewhere in the organization.
3. Add value. Set up a session with clear benefits to key players, e.g., an assessment of the current situation, an executive overview, or a meeting with an industry expert.