Your 15 Seconds to Make an Impression

On every new sales call, you have 15 seconds to make a positive or negative impression.

Don’t ever start with a statement that inspires a “so what” response. Instead, you want a “tell me more.” This second, positive sales response comes to those who prepare.
  1. Introduction
    Simply and clearly state your name and organization.

  2. Inspire Curiosity
    Follow with a statement that will pique their interest. Consider their role in the organization and what would benefit them most…what is their pain and what would they gain.

  3. Invite Conversation
    Be ready now to listen. If you have interested them with how you can support their success, they should be comfortable sharing some information. Think about what you would need to know to bring value.
Prepare, practice and then critique. Imagine yourself in the position of the person receiving your call. If you were the buyer, would you want to hear more? If not, create a new opening statement that will interest your prospect enough to give you not seconds but value-added minutes of fame.