Sales Time Well Spent (not in meetings)

Some of the best meetings are those that you do not attend.

You are an inside sales rep being paid to bring in revenue. You have been through inside sales training and you are focused on generated new business.  Yet you are constantly invited to meetings that don’t concern you. What a waste of your time as well as a waste of company resources! Why don’t the meeting organizers understand that if you don’t have time to contact your prospects, you can’t meet your targets?

Rather than swallow your frustration, try talking with your sales manager. Managers are responsible for the performance of their team. They should protect your time so that you spend it on the job you were assigned to fulfill. How can you hit your goals if you are taken away from your sales efforts?

Surely there are ways to cover the required meetings…perhaps inside sales reps can attend meetings on a rotating basis and report back to the group. Maybe the manager can represent your team’s interests and share information on a need-to-know basis. What about a team blog that will keep everyone informed?

See that your inside sales time is well spent…on the job generating revenue.