5 Proven Tips to Project Confidence Over the Phone

Think about what you can learn from a tone of voice. Even when you have only a telephone voice for clues, you are likely to develop a picture of the caller…gender, age, and confidence level. Inside sales training professionals are well aware of this tendency to fill in the blanks and to perceive whether or not the caller is confident and knowledgeable. Be sure as an inside sales person you project confidence over the phone by following these tips:
  1. Determine an objective for every call. Know why you are calling and what you hope to achieve from the conversation.
  2. Be thoroughly versed on the product or service you are trying to sell.
  3. Be sensitive to when and how to ask questions. Try to develop rapport before you probe for information. 
  4. Anticipate objections and have ready answers. Consider objections not as closed doors but opportunities to give more information.
  5. Don’t get flustered by silence. A pause can mean the prospect is thinking through what they have learned from you and coming to a buying decision.