4 Common Pitfalls of Inside Sales Reps

Your reps are making all their calls and yet are not making their numbers. They are as discouraged as you. What might be keeping them from greater success?

Here, from inside sales training pros, are 4 common pitfalls of even the most experienced reps.
  1. They ignore objective data measurements. Salespeople are by nature optimistic. But reps must pay attention to the data. Similar to the baseball player that feels he is hitting better than his batting average, if the facts show that they are not hitting their marks, they should acknowledge the shortfall and try to fix whatever’s not working.
  2. They let the prospect take over the call. Sales reps should control the conversation so they are in charge of the selling process. If savvy prospects are able to manage the call, the sales opportunity will likely be lost.
  3. They can be easy marks. Some prospects never intend to buy. In fact, their reason to stay on the call may simply be to get free information.  Teach your folks how to tell the difference so they spend their time wisely.
  4. They are slow to recognize a deal has been lost. It is far better to spend time on likely deals than pursue deals that were never going anywhere.  Train your reps to pay attention to red and yellow lights so they do not waste their time or inflate sales forecasts.