For those in inside sales, it would be hard to count how many times you have heard either, “I’m too busy now to talk” or “Just send me the information.” And these conversation stoppers come right up front before you have even had a chance to handle other objections around price, competitive products, etc.
Here are some suggestions from inside sales training experts on how to keep the conversation going so you have a chance to explore the possibility of a sale:
- For the “busy” person, why not ask for help in finding the appropriate person to talk with? This will put your target a bit off guard. They may either confirm they are the ones who need your offering or send you in the right direction.
- For the “information by mail” person, try to find out what kind of information would be most helpful to them specifically. You may be able to prolong the conversation or, at the least, know what your chances are in pursuing them.