wasn’t so very long ago that sales managers put their most experienced and
successful salespeople on the road as part of their outside sales team. That
was where the money was to be made…on big ticket items with a high level of
complexity. But times they are a-changing!
Inside sales training experts now rightly claim that they, too, can sell those high-priced and complex products effectively. After all in today’s marketplace,
inside sales is just another way of describing the process of selling remotely.
Although there is little doubt that a face-to-face meeting is the best way to
seal a big deal, few companies can afford to support a large outside sales
force…the geography has gone global, technology has improved and the travel is
too expensive.
a close look at the sales numbers as you evaluate where to grow your sales
force and how to develop their capabilities. You may well decide to beef up
your inside sales at a lower cost per rep…that seems to be the wave of the