How Curiosity Can Generate Inside Sales Success

a curious crowd of 6 to 10 people gather around to read a newspaper

If you really want to educate your prospects and maybe even change their perception of your offering, you need to ignite their interest and spark their curiosity so they want to learn and hear more. How? By causing them to ask questions. This is a technique from inside sales training that really works.

Here’s an example. We are a consulting and training company that has been in this very competitive field for over 20 years. It can be difficult to grab the attention of a new prospect unless they have already heard about us. But we often make a statement that captures their interest.

We state that training is often not the answer and, by itself, does not work. In fact, on average it only changes the behavior of 20% of the participants.  The reaction is always surprise…What? But aren’t you in the “training business”?  This gives us the opportunity to differentiate our approach and share what we have learned about what is needed to truly change behavior and get higher performance results. This allows us to re-position what we do, how we really help our clients succeed and bring measurable value to their organization.

If you can get your prospects to wonder about how you might help them and how you are different from competitors, you have engaged their curiosity and their desire to have a more productive and differentiated conversation.

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